Thursday, February 16, 2012

Must Haves

Working two after school programs doesn't leave me much time for afternoon planning and prep. Therefore, I find myself getting to school earlier and earlier each day. This calls for a close relationship with my ever so adored Keurig machine... my morning must have.
(Fun Fact: Kohls will accept any old Keurig, regardless of where you purchased it and give you a brand new one, no questions asked)

One giant mug filled with ice coffee and I'm out the door! I swear coffee gives you super powers. 

There is something so peaceful about arriving at school early. No kids, no colleagues just time to prepare. Sometimes I feel like I come up with the most creative lessons on a whim during my "morning me time"...another must have. 

Last but not least, the most important must have of all. My ultimate weakness, can't walk past a bag without purchasing, melt in your mouth, accidently eat the entire bag...

I'm very good at justifying.  

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you!!!! "Morning me time" sooo my thing! Lol. I would rather go into school super early. Staying late after the kiddos leave is just not my thing. I'm so brain dead by 3pm. Some of my best thinking is done in the early hours, as well.
    Loving everything on here so far! Keep it up!! =)
    Char xo
